Thursday, 8 November 2007

Sizenet has UK Focus

One of the problems I have when seeking inspiration for my blog is finding news of particular interest to those of us here in the UK. There's loads of coverage on size related issues but it often tends to be US based, which, although interesting, is not always relevant.

This is why I was so pleased to hear that one of my favourite resources has launched a UK only site! Check out Sizenet UK.

Their site says - 'Back in 1999, finding anything to do with obesity and size and self acceptance was a hard task. SizeNet was created to bring together diverse information from the Internet to a central place. That aim is still true today. SizeNet has adapted to meet the changing face of news gathering and reporting. A style that has proved very successful. Now SizeNet is meeting the next challenge.With the UK Government focusing more on obesity and media interest still increasing, SizeNet has created a website focusing on the UK.'

They too are great fans of, and together they will make you look AND feel great.

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